Meal Support Training

The Shared Table has been funded by Metro North Hospital and Health Service, LINK Innovation Fund and is a partnership between The Queensland Eating Disorder Service, Eating Disorders Queensland and Child and Youth Mental Health Service EDP.

Register for training here

This training is about helping you gain knowledge and skills, and improving your confidence around meal support.

Registering for the training allows you access to it for as long as you need it.

The modules have been designed for you to work through at your own pace, with time to read, listen and view things more than once.

If you find you are unable to complete the training at any point, it will still be there when you revisit it.

Our Partners


Queensland Eating Disorder Service (QuEDS)


Eating Disorders Queensland (EDQ)

Metro North Hospital and Health Service

Metro North Hospital and Health Service

Child and Youth Mental Health Service, Eating Disorder Program (CYMHS EDP)